Winter Self-Care: Where Do I Start?

As the year goes through its seasons, our bodies develop different self-care needs. For many people, winter is the most physically challenging time of year - the cold weather aggravates inflammation and joint stiffness or pain, cold air might bring back your lungs' memory of bronchitis you had years ago, short dark days can worsen depression and deplete energy levels...

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Yoga Spinal Twist: The Feldenkrais Version

As a yoga pose, Spinal Twist offers all sorts of benefits. From, Spinal Twist "encourages movement and mobility in your spine and vertebrae; massages, stretches, and tones your internal organs; improves your digestion; stretches your chest, shoulders, lower back, hips, middle spine and your upper back; alleviates pain or stiffness in your lower back, spine and hips." As a movement in an Awareness Through Movement class or a Functional Integration lesson, even more benefits can be found from the same idea. 

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