Can I Shift My Weight to the Left? I Don't Know...

We all have habits in everything we do. They’re an essential part of being human. They allow our brains to not think through every single thing we do all day long. They’re a survival mechanism. However, it’s important to question them now and then to make sure they’re serving us well, and get curious about how we might change them if they aren’t.

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An Accidental Experiment in Hand Dominance

I have never considered myself ambidextrous. I’ve learned some skills requiring ambidexterity (violin, piano, typing, and using my phone), but my left hand has always felt stupider than my right. A month ago, left handedness was forced upon me when I got a cat bite on my right forearm. Being a body and movement nerd, I became my own experiment.

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Why Try Awareness Through Movement® Classes?

If you’ve never tried an Awareness Through Movement (ATM®) class before, they can seem entirely mysterious and strange. Even many classes in, they can feel mysterious. What are these small gentle movements doing? Why do I feel so much taller, more grounded, more mobile, when it seems like I barely did anything for an hour? The answer is in the name - awareness.

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Degrees of Awareness

The question of how much physical awareness one needs to get by has been on my mind a lot lately, and the variety person to person and day to day is astonishing. Think about it for yourself... How much attention do you need to give your feet as you walk down the street? How much does that change if the sidewalk is bumpy? What if you have a sprained ankle or some other foot injury? Are you someone who can walk while looking at your phone or reading a book?

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