Easy Self-Care for Smoky Weather

If you're anywhere in the west of the US right now, you're probably living under smokey skies. Depending on your sensitivity to smoke, you might be experiencing itchy eyes, congestion, sore throat, headaches, sore or heavy lungs, fatigue, or difficulty breathing. After a bad case of bronchitis in my mid-20s, I've had every one of these symptoms this week, so I speak from experience. Here are some easy things you can do to protect your lungs and ease congestion.

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Who I Work With

Whenever someone asks me what I do for work, and we get into the conversation of "what is Feldenkrais?", I get asked what sorts of people or situations I work with. I try to explain that I work with a very wide variety of people, but it's not always clear just how wide that spectrum is. So, here are some examples. This is not a complete list.

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