Computer and Phone Comfort

When you've been sitting at your computer for hours, it can be hard to remember that being comfortable was once even a possibility. Believe it or not though, there are lots of things you can do to stay more comfortable, and they all apply to how you use your phone too. Here are a couple of them, inspired by a Computer and Phone Comfort workshop I taught last month.

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Dominant vs. Non-Dominant Hand: 2 Mini-Lessons

Do you get hand cramps or forearm cramps in your dominant hand? Do you wish you were a little more ambidextrous? You are not alone. A couple of weeks ago in class, someone asked if we could look at the differences between our dominant and non-dominant hands, so last week, we did a lesson that explored how to decrease constantly held tension in our dominant hand and arm and how to increase coordination in our non-dominant hand. It was a huge hit, and is easy to do in most settings, so I'll share part of it here, along with part of a related lesson.

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The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Believe Them or Not?

If you have never heard of Brené Brown, you are seriously missing out. She's a social worker who started doing research into how women experience shame, and quickly moved on to how people are willing to experience vulnerability or not, and what makes it so scary and so helpful at the same time.

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No Need to Beat Yourself Up About It

"Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet standing. Bring your hands in front of you to make a hoop with your arms, ballerina style. Very gently, turn your head and hoop to the right, and your eyes and pelvis to the left, all at the same time. Now turn your head and hoop to the left, and your eyes and pelvis to the right. Go back and forth a few times."

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Who I Work With

Whenever someone asks me what I do for work, and we get into the conversation of "what is Feldenkrais?", I get asked what sorts of people or situations I work with. I try to explain that I work with a very wide variety of people, but it's not always clear just how wide that spectrum is. So, here are some examples. This is not a complete list.

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