Pain Is Not Inevitable

I’ve been back in my office seeing clients in-person since August, and I’ve had a bunch of new clients. By the end of their first session, half of them have told me, “I should have done this years ago”. Those same words, over and over. I’ve heard them far more often in the past 2 months than I usually do. While I’m delighted to be able to help these people now, those words break my heart.

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Self-Care Tips for Covid-19 Times

Over the past few weeks that quarantine has been in effect in Washington, I’ve talked to a few people who are doing really well and enjoying staying home, but the vast majority of us are struggling. Whether you’re stuck at home due to being immuno-compromised or an essential worker still leaving the house, it’s likely that your sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, or freeze) is on high alert. Here are some easy things to do that will give your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) a boost.

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Where's Your Computer Mouse?

Have you ever considered the placement of your mouse on your desk? Where is it in relation to where you sit or stand? Close to you? Far from you? Tucked in front of you? Way off to one side? Each option has implications for your hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, and neck, and some options can really cause trouble. Here are a couple of recent examples from my clients.

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