Migraines, Headaches, and Jaw Tension

If you’re reading this article, chances are you suffer from migraines and/or headaches. I bet you also clench your jaw a lot. Take a moment to check in with your mouth. If someone put a pressure meter between your teeth, what would it read? A few ounces? A pound? A lot more than one pound?

What part of your mouth is your tongue touching? How hard is it pressing? When you open your mouth, do you experience popping and clicking?

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Who I Work With

Whenever someone asks me what I do for work, and we get into the conversation of "what is Feldenkrais?", I get asked what sorts of people or situations I work with. I try to explain that I work with a very wide variety of people, but it's not always clear just how wide that spectrum is. So, here are some examples. This is not a complete list.

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