An Accidental Experiment in Hand Dominance

I have never considered myself ambidextrous. I’ve learned some skills requiring ambidexterity (violin, piano, typing, and using my phone), but my left hand has always felt stupider than my right. A month ago, left handedness was forced upon me when I got a cat bite on my right forearm. Being a body and movement nerd, I became my own experiment.

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Where's Your Computer Mouse?

Have you ever considered the placement of your mouse on your desk? Where is it in relation to where you sit or stand? Close to you? Far from you? Tucked in front of you? Way off to one side? Each option has implications for your hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, and neck, and some options can really cause trouble. Here are a couple of recent examples from my clients.

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Winter Self-Care: Where Do I Start?

As the year goes through its seasons, our bodies develop different self-care needs. For many people, winter is the most physically challenging time of year - the cold weather aggravates inflammation and joint stiffness or pain, cold air might bring back your lungs' memory of bronchitis you had years ago, short dark days can worsen depression and deplete energy levels...

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Mini-Lesson: Finding Lightness

As December approaches, we often look for ways to lighten our moods and hearts. It's an easy time of year to get lost in election results, the potential difficulties of family gatherings, the change in weather and amount of daylight, and the desire to hibernate. Here's a mini-lesson to help you along the path toward lightness, whether it's mental, emotional, or physical.

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Some Tools for the Physical Side of Grief

Only three days after the horrifying attack on a Latin music night in a gay bar in Orlando, I've decided to write about the physical manifestations of grief, and some tools for working through it. Partially, this post is for myself and my own processing, since as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, this hit me very hard personally. I hope it offers you some reprieve too, whether from pain about Orlando or something else entirely.

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